
Makai na Chino

2 16 oz packets of frozen corn, defrosted
3-4 green chilies (more or less depending on spice tolerance level)
2 tbsp water
2 tsp. mustard seed
1 tsp. asafoetida (hing)*** optional
2 tsp. ground coriander/cumin mix
4 tbsp. shredded coconut
enough milk to submerge most of the corn
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp salt

Cut off stems from green chilies, add it with water to food processor, set aside.
When corn is completely defrosted, blend or food process 3/4 of corn separately, and in batches to make it easier. Add oil to large pan, and then hing. When it starts to simmer, add mustard seeds. When it starts to pop, add corn. Stir a few times to get mustard seed throughout, and then add milk (I would say 1-2 cups, but I'm not sure - submerge most of the corn, but not completely). Let corn reduce in milk - stir occasionally. After much of the milk has evaporated, add the rest of the ingredients (chili liquid, coriander/cumin, salt, and coconut) and stir thoroughly. Keep stirring so it doesn't stick to bottom of pan, and serve. Makes 8 servings.